Machine Learning Fundementals

It is important to gain a grasp around the understanding of Machine Learning and the creating / building of Models. As we accelerate ever faster into areas of implementation, administration and governance over AI - there will be more and more references to Models: who created them, on what data they were trained and how they are deployed.

As an example, within the documentation specific to AI risks, the EUAI-Act refers to General Purpose AI (GPAI) models and systems as follows:

The Model:

Imagine a model as the end product of your machine learning project. It's a mathematical representation of the data you've analyzed. This model can be used to make predictions on new, unseen data. Think of it like a trained expert that can identify patterns and make informed guesses based on what it has learned.

The Algorithm:

An algorithm acts like a blueprint for building the model. It provides a step-by-step process for the computer to follow as it analyzes the data and learns from it. Different algorithms are suited for different tasks, such as classification (sorting things into categories) or regression (predicting continuous values). As the algorithm processes the data, it refines itself to improve the model's accuracy over time.

Workflow Steps:

Training Data Set:

Imagine it as the study material for your machine learning model.

Test Data Set:

Think of it as the final exam for your trained model.

In essence, the algorithm is the tool, and the model is the crafted product that allows you to make predictions on future data.