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The machine is still learning!

Living with Artificial Intelligence

Over the period leading up to Christmas Day in 2021, I listened to a series of lectures named ‘Living with Artificial Intelligence’ - as part of the annual BBC Reith Lectures series.

Each year the BBC invites a guest to deliver a series of talks that relate to a topic of current interest. That year was the turn of British Computer Scientist, Stuart Russell OBE, who is currently a professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley. At a time when everyone is an expert, I recommend following Prof. Russell who frequently appears on key advisory panels helping to shape future AI policy and implementation.

His 4 lectures have thus far proved eerily prophetic. Lest we forget that ChatGPT came out almost a full year later.

Listen on BBC iPlayer | Apple Podcasts | Spotify


Lead image courtesy of BBC, Reith Lectures

Link to Prof. Russell bio, courtesy of

May 2024

Written by Sean Simone, IOKA