Here at IOKA AI we see the potential in technology applications and believe sincerely in keeping ‘the human in the loop’ - that is why we are not only exploring ways that AI could benefit workplace processes, within areas such as public sector education but also actively seeking out individuals and companies using these models within the creative and communications industries.

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Artificial Intelligence

Neural networks, data classification and predictive modelling are nothing new, they have been at the core of Machine Learning for decades, but until recently the best we could hope for was the predictive text you see on your smartphone messaging App - and hopefully an accurate weather report! However Vector Embedding has brought context and meaning as we engage with LLMs (Large Language Models) through Artificial Assistants, having virtual conversations (see Character AI) or converting text to image, text to moving image or text to music or audio.

The Models  2018 - 2024

The GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) - first introduced by OpenAi in 2018, was then followed by a series of next step versions - until in November of 2022, they dropped 'ChatGPT' on us and changed everything! In July of that same year MidJourney went silently into Open Beta.

But the race in Generative AI really ramped up in 2023 when Anthropic released Claude and Alphabet Inc. introduced us to ‘Bard’ early in 2023 (later renamed Gemini) - that same year came ‘Mistral AI’ and Cohere released Coral. Meta released 'Llama' in April of 2024. Only Apple remains the last sleeping giant - expectations are of an iOS + AI device integration leap at some point, soon(?)

The next steps

These foundation models continue to get smarter and 2024 is seeing massive leaps towards ‘Artificial General Intelligence’ as we begin to experience a shift towards AI Agents that utilise many different models - housed in the ‘clouds’ of big US tech giants. 2024 will also see attempts at setting regulation and defining the rules of the road as regards the impact of GenAi on our human rights, our data, our ways of working and protection over our creativity - as the ultimate originators.