AGI - Artificial General Intelligence

As clearly stated on the opening page of this site, IOKA feels we are still in the Machine Learning (ML) phase - almost all of the applied intelligence we are experiencing requires human input and is a juiced up (although undeniably much smarter), version of predictive output but now with context and understanding. As impressive as this all seems, the real shift will be breakthroughs into Artificial General Intelligence.

The following has been taken from the ARC PRIZE website, a competition launched in June 2024 which is aimed at ensuring that AGI research be open source:

Progress toward AGI has stalled. LLMs (Large Language Models) are trained on unimaginably vast amounts of data, yet they remain unable to adapt to simple problems they haven't been trained on, or make novel inventions, no matter how basic. Strong market incentives have pushed frontier AI research to go closed source. Research attention and resources are being pulled toward a dead end.

Defining AGI

Consensus but wrong: AGI is a system that can automate the majority of economically valuable work.

Correct: AGI is a system that can efficiently acquire new skills and solve open-ended problems.

"Definitions are important. We turn them into benchmarks to measure progress toward AGI. Without AGI, we will never have systems that can invent and discover alongside humans."


The Arc Prize - The Arc Prize site, June 11, 2024